
Terminator Salvation Tie-in Coming to Xbox 360 (Suprise!)

While movie tie-in games have a bad track record (the only one I have ever liked was Quantum of Solace), I have some minor hopes for this game. One, it is based before the movie, so it could avoid the commen tie-in pitfall of length (A two hour movie cannot supply enough material for a game, no matter how you twist or stretch it). Two, Warner put together a whole new studio called Halcyon Games to develop the game (= they are actually spending money on the game in hopes that it will be good enough to become popular). Halcyon's represintitive has said that the game will focus on quaility game play.Three, the game is advertising a new cover system. It will be button activated instead of thumbstick activated, which should prevent the player from accidently getting their head blown off because they exited cover at the wrong time. Finally, the game has followed Resident Evil 5 with a full two player co-op campaign. While there will be no Xbox Live support, the co-op should add some replay value to the campaign.
The developers have also promised usable vehicles and even playable robots (I personally want Arnold's original Terminator as a playable character). Screenshots and videos have promised decent graphics and maybe even destructable environments (Nothing makes barely dodging a John Conner killing missile cooler like that missile shattering the building behind you). A new physics engine should make for great environments to play in, and allow the cover system to work well. Terminator salvation should come out on the 19th of May


  1. Hey this game is gonna be sik!

  2. It will likely, be terrible, but it might be fun. I hope.

  3. Haha i think it will be fun. Are the movies any good???
