
Co-op is the new thing!

I made this post after I noticed how much co-op is in new games. While two players complating missions together was popular in the time of the NES and the Genisis, modern consoles have abandoned this concept, preferring to focus the entirety of the hardware on single player, often tacking on online deathmatches. With the new generation of consoles, the developers can give the same experiance to multiple players. Games like Lost Planet 2, Resident Evil 5, Borderlands, and even tie-ins like Terminator are going with two, or even four players, locally or over Xbox Live. It increases the replayability of the games campaign, and allows you to have more fun then you would normally have (unless the connection is bad).


  1. Do you like to play others on x box live?

  2. Xbox Live is the best part of modern gaming, as the AI is not nearly as fun as human players. However, bad connections can killl your fun quickly.

  3. nice blog dude coop is definatly new and exciting many people will get into it
